Topic: Educational Change

Partnering to Reduce Chronic Absenteeism
In a pilot program initiated by an act of the Tennessee legislature, school leaders partnered with Cognia to turn around two schools in Memphis, Trezevant High School and Hawkins Mill Elementary School, that had been designated for improvement by the state for over a decade. Not only did these efforts result... Read the full article >

Effective Partnerships for Successful School Turnaround
In 2021, the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) approved Cognia’s participation in the state’s four-year school turnaround pilot program. Two schools that were participating in the pilot program—Hawkins Mill Elementary School and Trezevant High School in the Memphis-Shelby County Schools (MSCS) district—selected our Office of School Transformation as their turnaround... Read the full article >

Tearing Down the Fences
The majority’s decision halted court-ordered school desegregation between Detroit and its neighboring suburban districts. This not only undercuts the power of a key remedy to segregation identified in Brown v. Board of Education, it also set the stage for supporting white flight from the cities. In his dissent, Justice Marshal... Read the full article >

The Great Upheaval of Higher Education and Its Implications for the Nation’s Schools
Sound far-fetched? We are in the early phases of a great upheaval in higher education that will allow people to stream any course of study directly from the company or cultural agency best known for it. A transcript will include not just your courses and degrees but certifications in anything... Read the full article >

Next Generation Accountability Systems for Student Success
The time is overdue to rethink K-12 education policy around accountability in the United States. After twenty plus years of top-down state and federal accountability systems, there’s growing recognition the current frames aren’t working to ensure quality and equity. We must reimagine accountability to better prepare students, families, communities, and... Read the full article >

Leader Chat: Q & A with Robert Marzano Part 2
This is the continuation of a conversation with Dr. Robert Marzano, who was a guest on the Cognia podcast Leader Chat with Dr. Jeff Rose. (Read the first part here) Leadership: people and content Rose: As we’ve talked about, Cognia has a model where we’re supporting leaders by creating this... Read the full article >

A Gateway to Equitable Learning, High School Graduation, and College Success
Ali Eskandary’s grades were not a problem, but the 11th grader was referred to an alternative school following a yearlong suspension. “I didn’t think I would fit in very well,” he says. Like the nearly 5 million youth aged 16 to 24 who are not enrolled in high school or... Read the full article >

Student Transfer in K-20 Education
Around the turn of the 21st century, regional accrediting associations agreed that a student who earned credits from an approved institution and transferred to another, generally, would be granted credit acceptance. In the past, the credits came from the same kinds of schools that taught a curriculum comprised of much... Read the full article >

High School Graduation Trends in the Years Ahead
Nationwide, both public and private high school graduation rates have increased in recent years, and the increase is projected to continue in the near future. The overall number of U.S. high school graduates will climb for the next five years (10 percent higher than was previously predicted) to a peak... Read the full article >

Language Matters When Describing Achievement
Providing students with descriptions that indicate opportunities for expanding knowledge and skills is an immediate opportunity that can support equity. The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) is taking action and exploring the language used to describe achievement levels in order to provide language that encourages students to improve their... Read the full article >