Topic: Measuring Success
A New Accountability System
Our current educational accountability system, which depends on large-scale, summative assessments aligned with state standards has been, at best, a missed opportunity. Although institutions are expected to improve teaching and learning based on assessment results, these assessments only provide evidence at the end of the academic year, restricting any real... Read the full article >
Effective Partnerships for Successful School Turnaround
In 2021, the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) approved Cognia’s participation in the state’s four-year school turnaround pilot program. Two schools that were participating in the pilot program—Hawkins Mill Elementary School and Trezevant High School in the Memphis-Shelby County Schools (MSCS) district—selected our Office of School Transformation as their turnaround... Read the full article >
Diagnosing for Success
The first step to drive intensive school improvement and school turnaround is to conduct an in-depth Diagnostic Review. Whether for schools needing targeted or comprehensive support or to address pockets of underperformance within the education ecosystem, the Diagnostic Review process identifies pathways for improvement through an in-depth review and analysis... Read the full article >
The Future of Educational Assessment
For teachers, understanding what students know and can do requires teachers to navigate a broad array of assessment approaches, all of which are combined in so-called “balanced assessment systems” that provide opportunities for educators to: Verify learning of a specific unit of instruction Determine whether and how students are struggling... Read the full article >
The Meaning of Standards
Around the turn of the twenty-first century, the focus and process of accreditation shifted from a ten-year evaluation of the accomplishments of an institution’s past decade to a forward-looking process examining what an institution is striving to accomplish in the following five years. Modern accreditation examines the current and future... Read the full article >
Cognia’s New Teacher Observation Tool Helps Teachers, Schools, and Districts Measure Learner-Centric Classrooms
But classroom observations can be challenging to implement at the school, district, and state levels. Some research on the effectiveness of classroom observation raises concern about potential bias in ratings and questions the tools’ alignment with what they purport to measure or what matters to improve learning. Equally significant, many... Read the full article >
Developing Meaningful Alternate Assessments
Developing an alternate assessment goes beyond compliance with regulations. Such an assessment must be built on the determination and passion to provide students with significant cognitive disabilities authentic ways to demonstrate what they know and can do related to the academic standards for their state. As a former teacher of... Read the full article >
Redefining Measurement of Early Learning
What is “quality” in early childhood programs? Research has generally identified these elements of quality in early childhood programs (Burchinal, 2018; Doucet, Allen, & Kelly, 2015; Helburn, 1995; Meloy, Gardner, & Darling-Hammond, 2019; Wechsler et al., 2018). Instructional support strategies Teachers’ education level and ongoing professional learning Engaging and developmentally... Read the full article >
Creating More Equitable Assessments
Increasingly, district leaders are turning to Cognia™ to determine whether assessments and test items are equitable, and whether they provide valid information about how well students are making progress toward standards. Often, district officials want to be sure that the data they collect from their assessments accurately reflects what is... Read the full article >
How Schools Should Grade During the COVID-19 Crisis
In working with scores of schools and districts since 2013, I base my recommendations for grading for the 2019-20 spring term on three key principles: Stress related to COVID-19 will negatively impact student academic performance. Everyone is affected by the stress of the pandemic, and this stress is expected to... Read the full article >