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Topic: Educational Change

Green STEM: STEM as It's Meant to Be

Green STEM: STEM as It's Meant to Be

Roland Quitugua, a leading scientist in the U.S. territory of Guam, stood before a room of 60 public school teachers, describing his tireless efforts to eradicate a devastating problem on the tiny island in the Western Pacific: the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle. Holding an embroidery hoop with a three centimenter black... Read the full article >
Systematic Change in Education Begins with a New Vision for Professional Development

Systematic Change in Education Begins with a New Vision for Professional Development

In his now-classic book The Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge describes systems thinking as a “discipline for seeing wholes.” It is a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than things, for seeing patterns of change rather than static snapshots. “Systems thinking,” Senge writes, “offers a language that begins by restructuring how we... Read the full article >
The Creation of One Learner Centric Learning Environment

The Creation of One Learner Centric Learning Environment

Building a Culture of Trust The “system” was defined for me in a memo that I discovered in the desk that I had been given. There were just three items that were declared to be non-negotiable: we must abide by the school system’s employee contract, we must cost no more... Read the full article >
CEO Message: Defining Learner-Centric

CEO Message: Defining Learner-Centric

More and more educators are embracing the concept of learner-centric, but do we really know what it means? Do we have a common definition that can guide our work and ensure that genuine implementation of learner-centric educational environments is understood and shared by all? I would suggest that we are... Read the full article >
Transforming Education: Trends, Models and Policy

Transforming Education: Trends, Models and Policy

Since 2006, KnowledgeWorks has studied major trends and drivers of change that are transforming our fundamental assumptions and relationships at all levels of society.  We investigate, with our partners at the Institute for the Future, how new tools, processes, and resources are altering our interactions with ourselves; within our organizations;... Read the full article >
Understanding the Framework for Change

Understanding the Framework for Change

In order to start to adequately understand a phenomenon and affect a phenomenon, the development of a theoretical framework is necessary.  E.P. Thompson wrote; “Reality is too complex to fully capture in abstractions.  Every study selects particular aspects of the world to emphasize, necessarily leaving the rest in a shadowy... Read the full article >
Using Digital Tools to Help Transform Schools

Using Digital Tools to Help Transform Schools

The world changes amazingly quickly and schools need to change, too.  Among ourselves, we educators and policymakers discuss the transformation of schools, recognizing how great the changes in these institutions need to be.  Unfortunately the public does not like the term “transformation,” probably for the same reason many people dislike... Read the full article >
CEO Message: Breaking Free to Transform our Schools

CEO Message: Breaking Free to Transform our Schools

Few can dispute the need to identify and act on opportunities to transform our schools and school systems for the 21st century learner. Is it easy? Never. Does it challenge some of our most talented educators? Often, yes. Are we confident in where the changes will lead us? Often not.... Read the full article >
Redesigning Teacher Preparation Today for the Classrooms of Tomorrow

Redesigning Teacher Preparation Today for the Classrooms of Tomorrow

Seemingly everything about our schools is changing as America shifts from a national, analog, industrial economy to a global, digital, information economy–demographics, technology, curriculum, standards and testing. The skills and knowledge students need, as they compete for jobs with peers from around the world, have risen to the highest levels... Read the full article >
Suggested Reading

Suggested Reading

Transforming School Culture By Joseph Roy and David Piperato According to the authors, the biggest challenge confronting school leaders is actually transforming the culture of their schools. This article explores how changing school culture and developing a collaborative culture, requires educational leaders to understand the core values and beliefs that... Read the full article >