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Topic: Teaching & Learning

Systematic Change in Education Begins with a New Vision for Professional Development

Systematic Change in Education Begins with a New Vision for Professional Development

In his now-classic book The Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge describes systems thinking as a “discipline for seeing wholes.” It is a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than things, for seeing patterns of change rather than static snapshots. “Systems thinking,” Senge writes, “offers a language that begins by restructuring how we... Read the full article >
AdvancED Michigan Fall Conference 2014 Student Panel

AdvancED Michigan Fall Conference 2014 Student Panel

... Read the full article >
Redesigning Teacher Preparation Today for the Classrooms of Tomorrow

Redesigning Teacher Preparation Today for the Classrooms of Tomorrow

Seemingly everything about our schools is changing as America shifts from a national, analog, industrial economy to a global, digital, information economy–demographics, technology, curriculum, standards and testing. The skills and knowledge students need, as they compete for jobs with peers from around the world, have risen to the highest levels... Read the full article >
The Road to Meeting Individual Learners' Needs

The Road to Meeting Individual Learners' Needs

The charge to “transform the educational delivery system to better and more efficiently meet the needs of all students” has been the quest of the Kettle Moraine School District since I began serving as superintendent in this high achieving, blue-ribbon school system over five years ago. What is transformation? How... Read the full article >
STEM Curricular Designs for an Information Age

STEM Curricular Designs for an Information Age

When you visit a middle or high school science classroom, what do you see? You may see students working on tablets or laptops, a teacher projecting the latest NASA images on the interactive white board, or a laboratory filled with probes and other gadgets. Does this mean you’ve entered a... Read the full article >
Transforming Schools through Expanded Learning Time

Transforming Schools through Expanded Learning Time

Orchard Gardens K-8 Pilot School (OGPS) opened in 2003 amidst much fanfare. Its $30 million building represented a large-scale effort to revitalize one of Boston’s poorest communities. But for its first seven years, OGPS was plagued by low academic performance and high staff turnover. From 2003 to 2010, Orchard Gardens... Read the full article >
A Student's Perspective

A Student's Perspective

If you walked into a traditional high school today and asked 100 students if they liked school, I would guess that very few of them would say, yes. Maybe some of you have heard these comments, “Why do we have to learn about this? I am never going to use... Read the full article >
Confronting Barriers to Learning to Help All Children Succeed

Confronting Barriers to Learning to Help All Children Succeed

It is a daunting challenge. Across the country, states, districts and schools are carrying out systemic strategies to revamp curricula and strengthen the capacity of teachers to implement Common Core State Standards. Educators must bring students from all backgrounds and differing levels of knowledge and skills to higher standards of... Read the full article >
Deeper Learning: The New Normal

Deeper Learning: The New Normal

There is growing consensus in states across the nation that the primary goal of the K–12 education system is to prepare all students to graduate from high school ready for college and careers. There is even agreement that for students to be college and career ready they need the same... Read the full article >
A New Paradigm - Putting All Students in the Driver's Seat

A New Paradigm - Putting All Students in the Driver's Seat

Today’s students are more connected, more aware and more in touch than any earlier generation. They’re connected to technologies that personalize and empower independent learning. Developing skills to navigate the wealth of knowledge and resources available to them today; they often become their own best teacher. They learn to love... Read the full article >