Improving the Quality of STEM Education

Can schemes to inspire tomorrow’s scientists close the poverty attainment gap?

Pallavi Amitava Banerjee, The Conversation

Pallavi Amitava Banerjee shares her research in response to the many government-backed initiatives put in place to interest more young people interested in STEM subjects. The article provides explanation on the importance of diversity and how it is expected to lead to a more innovative STEM workforce, and how that can narrow the socio-economic divide in the UK.

Science Isn’t Boring. Boring Lessons Are

Katie Wudel, GOOD

Katie Wudel provides context to the STEM crisis, sharing that the way science is taught in schools is not doing the subject any favors. STEM is often taught in an in a conventional, and often times intimidating, manner. In order to learn, students “need to get their hands dirty.”

How Technology Can Help Close the Skills Gap in STEM Education

Felix W. Ortiz III, The Huffington Post – Education

The Founder, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Viridis Learning discusses the skills gap separating what employers say they need compared to the skills have upon entering the work force. Ortiz provides insight into a few methods that utilize technology to close the skills gap.

Rise of the Robots: STEM-Fueled Competitions Gaining Traction Nationwide

D. Frank Smith, EdTech Magazine

Social Media Journalist, D. Frank Smith, provides a quick look at the rise of the robotics movement. The article shares how robotics is bringing STEM to life through competition, and a focus on integrating more elements of STEAM (art) to appeal to a wider audience of students.

STEM Institutes Offered to NYC School Leaders and Teachers

Caralee Adams, Education Week

Education Week contributor, Caralee Adams, writes about the New York City school systems professional development opportunity for public school teachers in STEM fields. Through funding from the GE Foundation, a “train-the-trainer” model to further leverage resources and best practices among the system’s teachers.